Healthcare Success Story

Regional Hospital



Project began with conducting an industry analysis of healthcare market identifying most significant healthcare issues existing in the United States.  Working with CEO and leadership team a decision was made to focus on building out market development model, a market strategy, Type II Diabetes Healthcare Value Chain, and patient care processes for addressing Type II Diabetes. 

Following initial market analysis and conducting an operational assessment on the hospital - we (two person consulting team) became familiar with Type II Diabetes and how the disease state advanced, identifying patient issues associated with the disease.  We then developed a healthcare value chain model identifying and outlining various healthcare vendors and how their products and services are utilized for treating patients afflicted with Type II Diabetes.  These resources and treatments were aligned to the healthcare value chain.   This led to defining a Disease Management–Personalize Medicine Model (DMPMM) outlining Type II Diabetes evolution process.  We then aligned the Type II Diabetes Health Care Value Chain Model to the DMPMM leading to new patient care services. (The DMPMM also became a market development model for the hospital)

Leveraging Community Assessments, provider data, and primary research from market region, we identified and defined new customer segments within market region.  This was followed by examining Type II Diabetes from a clinical aspect identifying some of the common health issues patients had with Type II Diabetes.  Efforts then shifted to developing a more detailed understanding of medical devices.  

From a IoT perspective each medical device and its system functionality–capabilities was examined. This effort helped identify:

· Data outputs and their value to improving patient health/Wellness

· How data contributed to predicting future patient outcomes

· Cross integration opportunities between medical devices  

· New Type II Diabetic care services

· Data monetization and revenue stream opportunities 

· New telemedicine applications

· New patient–disease state reporting applications

· New healthcare ecosystem for hospital; this effort lead to identifying new business partners and creating new revenue streams for the hospital

The healthcare ecosystem was a critical success factor for advancing the hospital’s profitability. 

Following these tasks, we developed a business plan for addressing Type II Diabetes. The business plan included the Type II Diabetes Disease State Management process model, third party business partners and their capabilities, and an business model showing how the medical devices aligned to the patient care process.

Utilizing primary and secondary research data and provider competencies, we prepared a business plan outlining new services forDiabetes Disease State Management Model (DSMM) for managing Type II Diabetes.  We aligned DMPMM to EMR, showing how data supports patient care for providers and care staff in treating and educating patients. As part of the plan we introduced a community Wellness initiative where the hospital would align Jr High and Senior High School, local foodservice, and hospital services resources together generating local community awareness for improving regional health care practices. 

DMPMM and value chain model increased market size by 25–30%.  Business models also generated partnership with a regional hospital system, with business partner adding 1,200 patients to Type II Diabetes program.  Shifted hospital market perception to becoming a Type II Diabetes Wellness services healthcare organization. New Wellness services became one of the top revenue growth models for hospital.  This 4.5 year project exceeded CEO’s expectations. 

Disease Management–Personalize Medicine Model represents new market development and revenue growth model for hospital systems. According to Healthcare Finance June 2019 revenue growth has surpassed cost containment as the top strategic priority for health executives in 2019, according to the latest survey from the Health Care Advisory Board.